Working with you to deliver your project on time and on budget
Our team works with your team to bring the skills, expertise, professionalism, and qualifications you need for your construction project.
Our dedicated team strives to deliver all construction plumbing projects to the highest standard. All while delivering the best value for money for our clients.
Where required we can be involved in the design stages of your projects. Our expertise and experience means we can often offer alternatives to increase value for money for our construction project clients.
We are always seeking to improve and strive to exceed the standards set by our clients, industry and regulatory bodies.
Before starting works in any new facility all our construction plumbing team have completed the inductions as well as meeting any special requirements. All staff are provided with the training and PPE required to safely complete all tasks.
Our experience in working across the many diverse areas of construction means our employees have the skills, training and experience to deliver the best possible outcome for you and your construction project.
If you have plumbing located near high risk areas such as around underground power and fibre optic cables, non-destructive excavation is the safest option.
Our Vermeer Evacuator can be used to safely excavate holes without the risk of damaging underground services. It uses high pressure water to cut away the ground while the vacuum suction removes any loose ground and excess water. The result is a pothole with no mess and no chance of disturbing any underground assets.
Non-destrictive excavation is used to:
We have the capability to undertake projects up to $4 million and have completed a significant number of projects in recent years.
We own and operate our own concrete cutting and core hole drilling equipment.
Our self-driven petrol power concrete saws can cut to a maximum depth of 350mm and our drills up to 350mm diameter.
Fletcher Plumbing & Co Pty Ltd has been conducting underground cable locations for over 15 years, which means our staff are highly experienced.. Over this time, we have conducted cable locations through NSW & VIC.